On the Tuesday morning conversation, Mwalimu told Maina that paying child support is not a must, and that the man a woman has moved on to should take up that responsibility.
This upset Maina Kageni ‘kenyan men don’t think they owe you child support when you leave, apparently it’s now become the responsibility of your new man.. Rent and provision is your work even according to the bible, I don’t believe this.’
But Malimu kingangi accused women of taking advantage to fleece men ‘sio lazima’
Maina angrily said ‘God help you that I never become the president of this county coz I will jail you, that is sedition’
Kingang pointed out ‘kwanza huwezi kuwa hata presidrnt ya kuku’
Maina laughed it off saying ‘ngai, me if I was a president all of you would be in jail,’
H added ‘ladies one day elect me president if child support is not paid for one month he will serve one year in jail’ maina added
Infact Maina told Kingangi his solution to women struggling to filing a complain at the Children’s court. He said he will set up a foundation funded by corporates to get the processes easier for baby mama’s.
‘I will start a foundation where corporates will give money to support ladies who need to go to court,’