Akothee thrilled her fans earlier this morning after she posted a message that touched on the one day a year that dads can get celebrated.
The mother of five who has 3 baby daddies cheekily said that she would rank all of them for the world to know.
“Its fathers day, ngojeni niwapangie fathers an qualities zao an watoto wao leo.”
She then went on to call out Kenyans who are all up in her business yet they can be real the same way she is.
“That’s the difference between Akothee and you.Hebu post your baby daddy we see ndio utupangie maisha. Watu wako double standards sana hapa social media. Happy fathers ni leo.”
Two years ago, the singer also celebrated all her baby daddies with individual posts tailored for each. First of she shared a video with Oyoo’s dad and honoured him for being the only man who accepted her with four children and for understanding family.
“The only man who ever allowed me to be myself – collected me with four children. The only man who understands the meaning of love and family, my pain reliever, I miss our arguments over Oyoo not eating Ugali every day, he is French and not Luo,” she said.
She also added a video with her mzungu baby daddies as they had a great time on vacay while noting she was the international baby mama.
“Happy Father’s Day to all my uterus breakers, I love you to death. I will grow old with you and give you a massage when your back is tired. None of you will ever go to the house of the elderly as long as I am alive unless you change your marital status, but as long as I am still your wife, I will take care of you.”
She didn’t forget to honour her Kenyan baby daddy who is the father of her three daughters saying he was her first love at the tender age of 14.


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