President William Ruto on Friday gave a direct order to the Kenya Wildlife Service officials to address the concerns members of the public in Kilifi County raised.

Speaking animatedly during the rally in the county headquarters, the Head of State directed the KWS to collaborate effectively with Kilifi Governor Gideon Mung’aro and other local leaders to find a long-lasting solution to the rising tensions between the wildlife service and the local community.

In his address, President Ruto warned that he was putting the officials of KWS on high alert, promising to make immediate reshuffling in the organization if need be.

He said that the role of the KWS was to serve the people and offer solutions that will ease the problems of residents instead of adding to them.

“I have been told how these KWS officials are troubling you. I will deal with them because they are supposed to serve Kenyans, and as long as the people are law-abiding, they should not be harmed,” he kept saying to emphasize his point that the interests of the people would be protected.

“We will sort out that issue, and it must be immediate. So I direct the KWS to work alongside the MCA, MP, and Governor in ensuring this mess is sorted out,” He added showing that this was an emergency situation.

The President urged the people of Kilifi to live in peace and reject violent acts in totality, adding that their already enhanced security should be further improved.

He assured that he would continue working with other regional leaders from the Coastal regions in harmony to stimulate development.

By Newsmedia

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