Ex Switch-TV host Joyce Maina has talked about her insecurities growing up.
The outspoken host says she has had to accept that no one is perfect.
Speaking on a podcast on Kwambox TV, Joyce shared, “Back in the day, I could not go out without makeup.
I was also very insecure about my small chest and being skinny. with time I started gainging weight and I was inscure about that as well.
I have overcome those insecurities now but we are human so there are new insecurities every day.”
Joyce says fighting back against her bullies helped her to fight depression.
“You could overpower in a fight but I had a very sleek mouth. That is why I was never bullied.”
Radio personality Sheila Kwamboka, also known as Kambox, says she had insecurities about her feet growing at a very high rate.
“When I was in primary school my feet used to grow really big. Every term my dad had to buy me new shoes.
My dad used to joke that I should go and get married to a cobbler.”
Kwamboka says when she joined high school she would get mocked about her shoe size. But she decided to handle it like a boss.
“When I was going to form 1 I was wearing size 41 and my dad bought me 2 sizes bigger. The kids would call me Godzilla. I went back home and told my dad I wanted my actual shoe size. I even cried. I had to become confident with time they accepted it.”
In the past celebrity Jacky Vike alias Awinja revealed she was insecure about her big jaw line.
She says she has now accepted and embraced her jaw as it defines her.