Today morning, Kiss FM presenter Obinna tried resolving a debt issue on The Morning Kiss. In his segment ‘Kikao’ the comedian was asked by a listener to ask her friend why he didn’t return her Ksh 625, 000.
“Call Hillary and ask him why he hasn’t refunded my Kshs 625,000?” said Cynthia.
Hillary who lives in Migori explained that he was given Ksh 350,000 to start a business. The interest accumulated to Sh 625K.
“That’s the total accumulative that I have to pay. I told her that the money will be in the business. I’m really working on that. I’m waiting on some money. It’s not some bad money and I had already shared it with her. It will go through.”
Hillary went on to tell Obinna that he would disappoint Cynthia if he told her when he would send her the money.
“If I get the money, I’ll just send it to her, I will pay her, I haven’t forgotten.”
In a past Kikao, Obinna tackled a con case where a friend borrowed money from a listener only to move on with their lives like nothing happened.
“This one conned me, ati ameshikwa na polisi nimtumie pesa asipelekwe kortini (…that he was arrested I send him money so that he doesn’t go to jail)” said Macharia, a Kiss FM listener.
Well, Obinna called the borrower who explained that Macharia had blocked his number so he wasn’t able to send the money.
“Macharia, I didn’t con him, I told him I was sending him the money but something came up but we never communicated later on. It’s like he blocked me or something. I don’t have his number at the moment.”
The borrower explained that he owed Macharia one thousand bob.
“Nilikua nimshikwa, ni ile unatembea usiku alafu unapatana na makarao. If I get a hold of his number I will sort him right away.”
Did someone do something and you want to know why they did it? WhatsApp us on 0702946100 with the details.…/2022-06-29-i-want-my-625k-back…/