Mark Kibet, a brilliant student from a humble background, has become an inspiration after scoring an impressive 410 marks in his Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exams. His academic journey has been marked by hard work, resilience, and a deep commitment to his future. While expectations were high for his performance in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE), his achievement exceeded even the loftiest of dreams.
Mark’s KCSE results were a remarkable A plain with 84 points, a feat that left him in disbelief. “I just went blank and thanked God,” he said, expressing his gratitude for the success that came his way. His exceptional performance has not only brought pride to his family and community but has also set the stage for an exciting future.With an eye on furthering his education abroad, Mark has expressed a keen interest in pursuing a medical degree at the prestigious Harvard University. His dream is to become a surgeon, a goal that he has worked tirelessly toward. The possibility of securing a scholarship to study at Harvard is something Mark eagerly looks forward to, as it represents not only the realization of his dreams but also an opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the world.
Mark’s story serves as a testament to the power of determination and perseverance. Despite coming from modest beginnings, he has proven that with dedication and support, one can achieve extraordinary heights. His journey is just beginning, and with his passion for medicine, there is no doubt that he will continue to inspire many young people who aspire to change the world through education and service.
By Nairobi