Renowned rugby player Dennis Ombachi popularly known to his fans as Roaming Chef, has opened up on his mental disorder and how therapy has helped keep it under control.
Speaking via his social media, the father of two said that he leaned more toward medication since being diagnosed with Bipolar and shunned therapy, oblivious of its great benefits.
However, after committing to therapy alongside his medication, the celebrated sportsman says that the results have been tremendous.
“While I have been on medication for my bipolar, I shunned off therapy as unnecessary but I was wrong. It really has come through for me on being objective, getting to understand myself more and how to manage the many talents I have been gifted, because it can be a bit overwhelming and confusing at times,” he wrote.
Because of this, Dennis has accomplished his goals without his moods getting in the way, something he is utterly grateful for.
“Last week I managed to accomplish something I always wanted to do and couldn’t be more proud of myself. I didn’t save the world or anything of that sort but for the first time ever I was able to stick through my goal of shooting a single video, every day of the week as I knew it’s possible but I have always been slave to emotions. This of course didn’t come easy and I would say therapy has played a huge role in me trying to be consistent rather than being a slave to my feelings,” he said.
Dennis Ombachi.
According to Dennis, social media plays a massive role in his anxiety flares, saying that receiving a single message would immediately change his mood.
“There is nothing that triggers my anxiety more than being on social media that I even deactivated Whatsapp account over a year ago because simple things like messages would change and alter my mood in a second,” said Ombachi.
The famous online Chef opened up on his condition about a year ago, saying that he had battled Bipolar silently for years.
“I am Dennis Ombachi, kind of an International rugby player and a guy who’s passionate about cooking, what many people don’t know is that I am medically diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Many years I have struggled with this & depression. I would usually disappear from social media & occasionally miss flights when I had made the team. This behaviour was always blamed on me “just being Dennis”. What my coaches and teammates didn’t know was how much pain I was in,” he said.
Ombachi educated his fans about the disorder saying, “For those who don’t know, Bipolar disorder means my moods can swing from elation to depression without warning; however, as long as I take my medication, I’m usually good. This has taken a toll on my family life over the years and I am thankful for the support I have received. When I say family, include the friends who have stuck by me and walked with me through the darkness all these years.”