A few people have told me that the security troops in Haiti are the KDF looking like police, not the police. These people don’t seem to understand that there is another branch of elite police forces that are crucial to maintaining the safety of this nation, in addition to the traffic police they deal with on a daily basis and the anti-riot police who are experts at using tear gas.
Why do you stroll about town without worrying that a missile may land at any moment, that a bomb could go off, or that terrorists or bandits could raid your location? There are people who go to bed at night worrying about giving you this piece of mind.
These consist of the National Intelligence Service, which makes significant investments in deterrence, the KDF, which primarily neutralizes threats externally, and a special police unit that does the same within.
Mostly out of the public eye and the media, these unsung heroes have undergone extensive training in nations such as Israel. A significant portion of their job follows the Intelligence-Led Policing Model.
One has asked, which special training if they can’t end war in North Eastern? Which special training while Nairobi is full of thugs who kill people daily after robbing them? Which special training while they are the same people who are being used by politicians to kill innocent profiles for political benefits?
They are under the cover of US intelligence at Haiti save for the specialized training they have received both internally and externally. Any mistake by US intelligence community in this Haiti mission , we can see very bad things. I hope against hope our brothers will come back home safely. All the best to them.
By Newsmedia