Some hours ago, Tuko News hosted a popular producer named Hiram Maina who narrated about his married and his journey in abandoning a culture he was brought up in since childhood.

Hiram, popularly known as Kamuhunjia is a popular Kikuyu gospel musician and a husband to Grace Mwai who is also a Kikuyu gospel artist. Hiram said that he was brought up in an ‘Akorino’ church, a denomination where it’s members have turbans. He said it was fun being brought up in such a culture until they relocated from Nyeri to Nairobi. A lot changed since he couldn’t fit in the rich group in the church because kids as well as adults would discriminate him.

He started his career as an actor where he could not wear his turban on set. That drew attention from his church where he was accused of embarrassing the denomination by not wearing his turban. That affected him so much to an extent he felt the trauma and decided never to fellowship with the Akotino since 2015 to date. He added that since he made the decision, it will never come to a point of him joining the denomination ever again though he has nothing against the church.

Hiram went ahead to describe how he met with his dear wife saying that it started as friendship and they ended up in marriage. He addressed critics of him marrying an older woman than him by saying that he has never dated a younger woman than him and that he gets annoyed when people dig about his age and that of his wife. Watch the full story in the video below and share your opinion in the comments section.

By Nairobi

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