Earlier today, famous politician and comedian Felix Odiwour celebrated his birthday and many celebrities took the opportunity to wish him well. Few reminded him of his past life and the impact he has made in the society.
Comedian Churchill Ndambuki also decided to celebrate Jalang’o before the day ends. Posting on his social media pages, the funny man wished him a happy 40th birthday, informing that he always believes in him. He further recalled where his journey began revealing that he was always there.
“Bro, i remember where the journey began. From Dala, to theatre, to your first day on Radio. I was there. I always believed in you.I might have known where we began. What I don’t know is where this journey of life will lead you. But like i always tell you bro if its right if it’s coming from ya heart, listen to that inner voice and follow it. It’s a very lonely place and like you always say ipo siku.Yetu ni maombi and to give you that much needed support when called upon. 40 is where your mind opens up to endless possibilities.” He said.”
Many social media users also joined the comedian in wishing Jalang’o a happy birthday. Many now hope that he will continue to serve the people well. We continue to wish him the best.
by: Malia254