Jahmby Koikai is slowly but surely getting back to normal after suffering from endometriosis for over two years.
It was not an easy journey for her mentally, physically, emotionally and financially. She has kept us updated throughout and now that she is better, she wants to be a source of encouragement to those going through the same.
Njambi Koikai
She is planning to host a dinner for women who are suffering from endometriosis or those who have overcome the condition. She calls them endowarriors.
Jahmby posted a picture with encouraging words about seasons of suffering that shall come to pass.
May this face remind you that YOU can OVERCOME just about anything. I’ve gone to doctors offices received life-shattering reports that would make others give up.
She went ahead to narrate the most horrifying experience back in 2016, that she thought was possibly the end of her life.
Yoh, I only got to the edge once in 2016 when my lungs collapsed twice in one weekend. I’d gone in for surgery on a Wednesday discharged on a Friday and on Sunday the predominant cough associated with Thoracic Endometriosis was back. I was reluctant to go back to the hospital and my mum insisted. I had another collapse yet my lungs hadn’t healed. I hadn’t even gotten the stitches out. For the first time in my life, I was dejected. I was not sure how this would end.
Even in such moments, Jahmby Koikai reminded herself that she has a great purpose on earth and she will not die before fulfilling it.
Jahmby Koikai explains why she walks around in a mask
Njambi Koikai
Anyway, I vowed to keep fighting for life because I’m here for a GREAT PURPOSE. With every doctor’s report I received, I smiled. Always. Even when they thought I’d die. I smiled.
I have never complained even with all the botched surgeries niko hapa. So hakuna kugive up.❤❤ My prayer is for all my Endowarriors to keep fighting. Don’t give up. There’s a warrior inside you. You’re special. Not many can handle this kind of pain. I pray for your healing, peace, calm and a pain-free life. We keep fighting for our voices to be heard. Access to quality treatment, training of doctors and funding for research in our continent.
I think we need to have such an attitude, fight every obstacle in life and be sure you will concur a lot of hurdles.


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