Eric Omondi’s girlfriend, Lynne Njehia, has opened up about her pregnancy journey.

Speaking during a recent interview, Lynne revealed her excitement as she nears her due date.

At the same time, she disclosed that the pregnancy journey has not been easy.

According to Lynne, the rainbow pregnancy occurred within the first four weeks of the couple losing their unborn baby.

Although it seemed impossible to get pregnant that fast (especially after a miscarriage) Lynne said her mood swings and change of attitude towards everything were clear hints of possible pregnancy.

“Tukiongea kidogo, nimuitishe kitu akatae nalia…na huyo si mimi,” Lynne said.


“So nikamwambia nashuku I am pregnant but akaniambia haiwezi happen since that was too fast. But after tulifanya test, line mbili bold zikatokea,” Lynne added.

Having shared the changes she was feeling with Eric Omondi, they then decided to run a test only to confirm that they had another baby baking in the oven.

Eric Omondi girlfriend: tough pregnancy
Sharing her experience, Lynne described her pregnancy journey as tough at the beginning of the first two trimesters.

This is because, for the first trimester she could not hold anything down due to the puking.

“Nimepitia. You know first trimester kuna morning sickness but mimi I used to have all day sickness. Kuna pia moodswings,” soon to be Eric’s baby mama revealed.

Describing the second semester, Lynne revealed she also had a hard time as she often fell sick making it hard for her to enjoy her journey.

“Second trimester, nikaenjoy kidogo then I started getting sick. So saa hii ndio naenjoy ata more,” Lynne revealed.

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