The Interior CS Kithure Kindiki has made it clear that he doesn’t expect pastor Mackenzie to ever leave jail. According to the CS, the pastor has committed genocide and it’s proper and important for the court to hand him a life sentence.

Here is a link:

Pastor Mackenzie is custody awaiting the conclusion of investigations against him so that the law can take it’s course. It’s clear that the pastor has caused harm and deaths through his teachings where he urged people to fast to death.

Pastor Mackenzie has faced the wrath of government since he was arrested. More evidence has been released against him to clearly a on confirm that he is s person of interest to government.

Unfortunately, it’s clear that it’s the court that will determine future of Mackenzie and not government officers. Whether the pastor will be thrown to jail once the court makes a determination, let’s wait and see.

by: Safinews001


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