Multi-time Grammy award winner Kirk Franklin revealed yesterday that his sister was sentenced to 30 years in a Texas state prison.h
The singer shared the sad news on his instagram page to the shock of his many followers. Immediately leading to many asking what she could’ve possible done to warrant such many years.
In the image shared he stated clearly that he wished he could have done more to help his sister.
Kirk has also over the years shared his sister’s battle with drug abuse for years. In an interview he shared more light on her battle,
“For over ten years, my younger sister was incarcerated in a facility here in Texas. She was in love with a young man who was drug dealer,” Franklin said in 2015. “He introduced her to not only selling drugs, but using as well.
When he was arrested for drug trafficking, she was arrested along with him. After she served her time, she was brought before the review board who determined she was ready to be released and brought back into society. The documents were signed and she was set free… but only on paper.”
He continued,
“After a few months back into the free world, it became obvious to me rather quickly that my sister was still in prison. It’s what they call being institutionalized. She quickly started using again, becoming very reckless with her body, which turned into her using it as a means to pay for her habit.”
Franklin shared, stating that it was then he knew he had to look to the Bible for help.
“God has given us a tool which renews our thinking,” he said. “It reprograms us to receive everything that is ours. It shows us that we are heirs and joint heirs. It cuts down the weeds that have grown in our minds.”
The I Smile hit maker did not reveal on what charges warranted such a lengthy sentence but only captioning the image a rough week.
This is such a heart breaking in the life of the gospel singer who has had a very challenging life himself. He was forsaken by his birth mother at age three and was adopted by an older aunt.
Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family as they go throw this tough journey.