Some hours ago popular Kikuyu musician Isaiah Ndungu was live in an interview with Jeff Kuria where he talked about his life, his music career and his family. According to him, he was born and raised in Ndeiya by his grandparents since his mother was a hustling single mother. He was introduced to his father when he was already a big man only to realize his father was their neighbour.
He went to school up to form four before starting to hustle like a real man. He started singing when he was a very young boy and everyone one realized that he had a talent. He started coming to Nairobi from time to time to see musicians at Simba center but he had no money to pay studio. They planned a fundraiser at home and many people attended it. It was successful and he went to Nairobi to start his music career.
He started working as a conductor but realized life was so hard in that sector. That was when he released his first album and by good luck it was accepted well by Kenyans. He earned so much money and the first thing he decided to do was to build his grandmother a house since they had been very poor. He did a collabo with Kikuyu gospel musician Sovinger and that song made him very popular.
In 2017 he released a song against the Kamba community which made him find himself in kamiti maximum prison. They were rescued by Moses Kuria who stood with them from the beginning to the end. Few days ago he released a song against UDA government which he was supporting saying the government has failed to achieve what they promised Kenyans. Today he is among the most popular Kikuyu gospel musician in Kenya. Watch the video below.
By Newsmedia