Pastor Paul Mackenzie the founder of Good News International Church has been making headlines for past few days. Today, i bring you a story of a renowned Master of ceremony MC, Simon Kimani popularly known as Bamboo. He represents Kenya and lives in New York City.
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According to an interview with Lynn Ngugi on her show, Bamboo met a lady who connected her to a man in Tanzania who would help with his career.
However, the man told Bamboo he should see him since his matter was urgent and Bamboo went. When Simon arrived at the hotel the man had rented he was surprised with ancient artifacts and the room was dusty. After a while the man started incantation and chanting word Bamboo could not understand.
To Bamboo’s surprise a voice came from a calabash and started speaking with the man. Kimani had a voice that was too deep asking him what he wanted but to him it was not a normal thing and decided to come nack to Kenya and continue where he had left.
Unfortunately, Bamboo did not know that saying no to the devil, he would shutter things in his life. Bamboo could hear voices while in the bathroom. He said,
“I almost sold myself to the devil to make millions.”
by: HotnewsSantos