William Kabogo has one of the most beautiful lawns in Kenya.
The former Kiambu Governor has no qualms showing off his house to his many followers on social media.
Even with his vast wealth, the politician still takes time to water his immaculate lawn.
William Kabogo watering his lawn
The politician watering his lawn
What are the ways you can keep your lawn looking spiffy like William Kabogo’s?
Prepare the area for planting with the best soil in Kenya being red soil
– Remove old grass and weeds.
– Perform a soil test or send soil samples to a local university extension or a garden – center that offers soil testing services.
– Improve soil if necessary based on soil test results, then gently rake in starter fertilizer. The best soil in Kenya for a lawn is red soil as it is well-aerated and easy to weed.
Choose your grass. The best type and most commonly available is Kikuyu grass.
This is probably one of the most important choices one will make when they decide to grow a good looking lawn.
Extremely easy to care for and with quick growth and spread, this plant is perfect to replace the grass in a lawn or dress a bare patch up.
It also gives you a solution against dry spells, foot traffic, and watering.
William-Kabogo-House-with his son Alvin chilling
Alvin chilling in his father’s home. You can see the wonderful lawn in the background
Extremely easy to care for and with quick growth and spread, this plant is perfect for gardens located in areas where the climate is rather hot during summer.
Even though watering will become unnecessary after a few months, you still must water regularly until seeds sprout.
Germination of the Kikuyu grass seeds should occur in just under two weeks (10 to 14 days).
Keep watering for a few more weeks.
Growth is slow at the start, but the grass quickly speeds up after that and will spread across the entire surface it was sown on.
Kikuyu grass turf also sends runners out as it spreads, like strawberries.
Mowing the grass
The grass doesn’t cope well with being mown too often or too short. Mowing it can be spaced far apart over time.
Note that if left untouched, the grass will grow into a thick mat several inches thick (4 to 6 inches thick).