World Menopause Day is held every year on the 18th of October. The intent is to raise awareness of menopause and the support options available for improving health and wellbeing.
You may notice some menopause symptoms like anxiety, hot flashes, fatigue or irregular periods, in your 40s.
Some women notice changes as early as their mid-30s.
Moreover, menopause is signaled by 12 months since last menstruation.
Overall health experts want you to focus on your bones. Here’s why.
The drop in oestrogen levels that occurs around the time of menopause results in increased bone loss.weak-bones
Menopause and just after menopause is a time when osteoporosis commonly presents itself.
From exercise to supplements and alcohol, here is what you can do to improve your bone health.
You can get calcium through foods as well as supplements. Vitamin D is also found in some foods and supplements, and you can get it from spending time in the sun. According to
calcium at 1,200 mg/day, taken through a combination of diet and supplements. Good sources of calcium include:
low-fat dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt
goods such as leafy green vegetables, almonds, and beans
calcium-fortified foods such as fruit juices and cereals (check the label)
vitamin D at 800-1,000 IU/day or more. Multivitamins typically include 400 IU, so you may need an additional supplement.
quitting smoking
weight-bearing exercises that help strengthen bones
maintaining a healthy body weight
limiting alcohol use
As with all medical conditions, consult your doctor for specialized treatment. You also need to know that in some cases, oral hormone therapy may be prescribed depending on severity and frequency of symptoms.


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