The ministry of education is the one that is responsibke for all the academic activities in the country especially in the two initial levels if education: the primary and secondary schools. Control over the academic activities within an academic year is made possibke through the development of a school calender for an entire year.
The ministry of education is the one that provides the date schools begin a term, the date that the schools should break for halfterm within that term, date learners should return back to school from halfterm, date the schools should end a particular term with the holliday timelines.
The school calender also shows the date that the schools should begin the grade six exams which are KPSEA, the Kenya certificate of primary education and the Kenya certificate of secondary education.
Currently the schools are in a second term halfterm which started on 27th June 2023, the halfterm will end tomorrow which is on a new month of July 2023. The second part of the second term will start and it will end on 11th August 2023 which will have taken a total of fourteen weeks.
As the second term will come to an end, the schools will again close for an holliday starting from 12th August 2023 and it will take a total of two weeks until 27th August 2023.
The third and last term of 2023 will begin on 28th August 2023 and it will run for a total of nine weeks until 27th October 2023. The third term holliday for the non-candidate classes will begin on 28th October 2023 and end on 8th January 2023. The grade six, class eight and form four learners will proceed to sit for the KPSEA, KCPE and KCSE exams respectively.