An 11 members committee former to probe the impeachment motion of CS Mithika Linturi concluded it’s sitting on Friday after three days of debate and case hearing from the sponsor of the motion MP Kwamboka and the embattled Agriculture CS.

(A section of member of the committee during the hearing process/Photo Courtesy)

The Committee led by Marsabit Woman Rep Naomi Waqo will retract to write a report of the sitting. The report will later be submitted to parliament upon which it will be tabled at the floor of the house for the MPs to discuss the findings.

However, before the final report, there has been allegations that the outcome of the committee investigation is predetermined and that the CS for Agriculture Mithika Linturi will be saved from being removed from office.

The allegations are not far from truth as National Assembly voting records show that majority of MPs in the committee opposed the impeachment motion.

According to the voting record, Kitui South MP Nyamai, Naomi Waqo ( the committee chair), George Murungara of Tharaka, and Kirinyaga Women Rep Njeri Mina voted to save Linturi from removal from office. Other who opposed the impeachment motion include Malava MP Moses Malulu Injedi and Tandaza Kassim

The National Assembly voting records show that legislators aligned to opposition all voted in favor of the impeachment motion of Mithika Linturi. For instance, Busia Women Rep Catherine Omanyo, Ruaraka MP T.J Kajwang and Kathiani Member of Parliament Robert Mbui voted to have Linturi ousted from office.

Wajir West MP Yusuf Farah, a member of the committee did not vote because he was not present when the committee’s voting process was conducted.

By Newsmedia

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