Former Tv presenter Muthoni Mukiri started her journey as a life coach in 2021, after quitting her media job.
On her latest youtube video, Mukiri blames social media culture for consuming people’s time and leading to mental health struggles.
“I’ve stopped doing these things. I want to prioritize my mental health. I want to prioritize my joy and my peace and I think everyone should do that. There is nothing as priceless as good mental health,” she said.
She added, “I want to live responsibly and I want to have goals, goals up to June and then half goals for the other half of the year.”
Her first tip is to stop obsessing about makeup and other beauty standards. Muthoni pointed out that it had taken control of her life and now you will be seeing her without makeup.
Her second point is to stop buying things out of desperation.
Thirdly, Muthoni has stopped waiting for miracles to happen. She advises people not to wait for someone to discover them or offer them a job.
The YouTuber is also prioritising her peace by cutting off people who are not good for her mental well being.
“I have stopped being angry. I am not going to disturb my peace especially if you are not important in my life.”
Being a slave to social media, she says, hasalso been her biggest challenge that threatened her mental being.
“I’ve removed all my apps on my phone and put them on my laptop. So I only go to my laptop to reply to DM’s, but on a normal 8-5 I am not accessing some of these sites.”
Her last point is to “stop waiting for things to get worse before you address it.” She gives examples of issues like weight gain.…/2022-05-05-how-muthoni-wa…/


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