More details have continued coming up following what is happening in Shakahola Forest where shocking news have continued coming up. As we speak, it has emerged that Mackenzi used to have strong followers who used to do the work of bringing new recruits. It is said that after successfully initiating someone into Mackenzi’s teachings, they would always use their own motorbikes and bicycles to ferry them into the forest.

The source has revealed that those people never liked using bodaboda means of transport since their mission could have been detected. This sends a message that Mackenzi had a bunch of people who used to organize the introduction of new recruits into his company. The dark business used to happen silently and nobody actually ever complained or left the forest.

Funny enough, those who always managed to leave and approach the outer side of the forest never wanted to be assisted to leave the place. They were always willing to get back into the forest and fast to death.

by: Aalganon


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