In most situations, the first HIV symptoms show up 2–4 weeks after a person is exposed to the virus, but in certain circumstances, they might take months or even years to manifest.

HIV is the name of the virus that causes the illness of the same name. AIDS, a lethal disease brought on by a person’s immune system being significantly weakened, is its last stage.

Blood, breast milk, and sexual fluids are all ways that HIV can transmit. According to research, 94% of HIV infections in 2015 were caused by sexual contact.

initial signs of HIV

HIV infection does not always result in immediate symptoms. It takes between two and four weeks for HIV symptoms to manifest.

Sometimes symptoms won’t show up for months or even years.


HIV is categorized by doctors into three stages.

Acute HIV infection in Stage 1

A person with HIV exhibits specific symptoms when they are first infected.

Fatigue, muscle aches, rashes, headaches, sore throats, enlarged lymph nodes, joint discomfort, night sweats, and diarrhea are some of the symptoms.

A credible source claims that some of these symptoms are more likely to materialize than others. The likelihood of each of the symptoms is mentioned above in decreasing order.

HIV infection in stage 2 is ongoing.

The following are signs of a chronic HIV infection, according to certain studies, says a dependable source: yeast infection in the vagina and oral hairy leukoplakia, which results in white, scaly areas on the tongue. Possible diagnoses include shingles, neuropathy, cervical dysplasia, and the blood clotting condition idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.

The person’s immune system will suffer considerably if this stage continues. Their body will have a harder time fighting off infections and other illnesses as a result.

3.AIDS in Stage

AIDS manifests when a person’s CD4 cell count is significantly decreased as a result of HIV infection.

White blood cells called T cells, sometimes referred to as CD4 cells, are one type. They serve as the body’s defense against harmful microorganisms. These cells become dysfunctional as a result of HIV infection.

By Medical

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