Joan Rubia a 28-year old woman was teargassed with her little son during Anti-goverment protests in Pipeline stunned many Kenyans over his new new look of transformation after Kenyans extending hand of help.

During recent protests in the Pipeline area of Nairobi, the police fired tear gas canisters into Rubia’s home. Caught in the chaos, Rubia had to flee her house, running away with her young son to seek refuge. It was a terrifying and helpless moment for the mother.

However, the story took a heartwarming twist when the comedian Eric Omondi reached out to Rubia. Omondi wanted to help, so he arranged for Rubia to receive a complete makeover at a salon.

In the before photos, Rubia appears visibly distressed, but in the after photos, she has been transformed into a confident, glamorous woman.

Rubia is seen turning from side to side, showcasing her impeccable new look. Even her young son seems surprised and amazed by his mother’s dramatic change.

When the photos were shared on social media, Kenyans couldn’t help but express their awe and admiration. Commenters flooded the post with praise and encouragement.

One person wrote, “I shall never be poor again 😇 Congrats to her, and thanks to Eric. More blessings.” Another remarked, “Wow! God continue transforming her.”

The overall sentiment was one of inspiration and hope. The Pipeline incident had previously portrayed a scene of helplessness, but now Rubia’s story showcased the power of human kindness and the ability to turn one’s fortunes around.

Rubia’s transformation resonated with many Kenyans, who saw it as a symbol of the country’s potential for positive change. The collaboration between Omondi and Rubia demonstrated the impact that small acts of compassion can have in uplifting individuals and restoring their dignity, even in the face of adversity.

By Ftroid

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