Benga musician Joseph Kariuki alias Kariuki Wa Kiarutara is popular for his rich composition of Kikuyu secular songs that talk of love, politics, morality to name but a few.

Some of his songs on political commentary have seen him clash with the powers that be especially former President Daniel Arap Moi.

His songs “Warùhiti”, “Kìrìa Maarì” and “Mùtikanjikie” were temporarily banned as they were flagged as revolutionary and non conformist.

A story is told of how the late powerful Cabinet Minister and Moi’s confidant JJ Kamotho, may have hinted to the President that the song Waruhiti (hyena) was aimed at him apparently for his tyrannical rule and biased policies that seemed to target the Gikuyu community for being opposed to his administration.

The song was immediately banned and it was illegal to be caught listening at the same publicly. Read the whole story here.

Kariuki was also banned from releasing more songs which went on till Moi relinquished power in 2003.

This could perhaps inform why Kariuki released another hit song ‘Utheri Riu Nimwoneku’ (Light can now be seen) immediately after Moi left State House.

The song basically castigated Moi’s 24-year reign while portraying him as a ‘heartless dictator’ who had destroyed Central Kenya economy in its entirety.

Born in the early 60’s in the village tea zone of Kiarutara in Gatanga, Muranga County, Kariuki admired the music of Joseph Kamaru and John Ndichu.

Everytime he listened to these legendary artists, his passion to do music burnt inside him.

He attended both primary and secondary in Kiarutara. After school he became a lumberjack in Karangi forest in Gatùra. He later left home for Nairobi in pursuit of his music dream. He arrived in Githurai and was hosted by two friends, Joe Wamathina (My Dear Bottle) and Meja Ndungu. He was well guided by Joe on recording and song composition. Around 1984/85 he recorded his first song “Mwana Mukia.”

Kariuki has a rich repertoire of music to the tune of more than 20 albums. His evergreen hits include Wira ni Wira, Kwanyu Ndigacoka 1 and 2, Reke Tùrìmwo, Kamau Kabugugi, Mbari Ya Mwenda Njerù among others.

In the 4 decades he has been in the industry, he has mentored many others and his songs have been reviewed in newspaper columns and have been studied by students of literature for their literary aesthetic value.

Kariuki wa Kiarutara has great mastery of idioms and proverbs and weaves them skillfully to belt out melodious sing along hits.

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