Renowned NTV journalist Rita Tinina was found out departed on Sunday, with preliminary findings indicating she passed away peacefully in her sleep after a restful Saturday night. Scheduled to wake up at 8:00 am, but according to her house attendant, she stayed unresponsive when the wake-up call came. Interested, the attendant promptly contacted a lineage member who had been with her the last night. Colleagues, unable to reach her & aware of her obligation commitments, herded to her home in large numbers.
As the inquiry progresses, awaiting an autopsy for further understandings, more details about the occurrences surrounding her death will arise. Rita Tinina’s sudden demise has sent shockwaves through the journalistic community, vacating behind a legacy of integrity and professionalism. She had been grieved across the committee by several journalists who have recalled her dedication to the service. Her job spans over so numerous years, giving birth to mentoring so many. May her soul find eternal consensus. Reliable sources reveal Rita might have been attacked by epilepsy as she was asleep.