Police in Kisumu County are probing an incident where a man set his rented house ablaze, killing wife and three children.

The incident happened in Nyamasaria, Kisumu East.

It is reported that the couple had quarrelled on Wednesday night when the husband locked the house from outside and set it ablaze with his wife and three children still inside. The man allegedly moved outside shortly and returned with the jerry can of petrol locked the house and set it ablaze. The suspect took off immediately after committing the crime.

Neighbours said they heard the woman screaming for help prompting them to find out what was happening. Some reported seeing smoke billowing from the house before they rushed to the home in an attempt to quell the inferno. They found the door locked from out and managed to break the door but unfortunately, they could not save the victims because they succumbed to the fire.

Area Chief condemned the incident and noted that the locals were still reeling in shock over what motivated the husband to attack his family.

The administrator urged members of the public to resolve family differences amicably and seek help from authorities.

Police who visited the scene stated that they suspect the motive of the incident is a domestic issue. Howei, it is still unclear what issue had embroiled the couple in the argument resulting in the man’s successful attempt at immolation. The police boss said preliminary investigations showed the house was deliberately set on fire by the husband.

Cases of domestic violence are mainly caused by dispute over family property, failure to provide for the family, drugs and alcohol abuse, and cases of infidelity.


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