With the constant rise in the price of tokens in the country,Kenyans are increasingly finding new ways to conserve electricity.

Consumers can only afford 3.77 units from Kenya Power with Ksh 100.

These units barely even last a day in an average Kenyan household.

Here is a list of common household appliances that consume alot of electricity:-


The current modern fridges tend to be energy savers and thus use less electricity.

However,even though these modern fridges are energy efficient in nature,they still tend to take up around 5% of the total of the electricity bill of the household.

This is due to the fact that they have to be connected 24/7 to the power unlike a majority of appliances.

If fridges are combined with a freezer,these two household appliances normally account for nearly 13% of the energy bill.


Heaters at home are slowly gaining major popularity in many Kenyan households.

This is due to the fact that Kenyans tend to use them to warm their homes at night time and also during the cold weather.

However,studies reveals that the use of home heaters regularly accounts for upto 50% of the electricity consumption.

Washing Machines

If continuously used,washing machines usually account for upto 14% of the energy bill.

Washing machines tend to consume a lot of electricity to the power needed to heat the water.

Water Heater

In nearly every home in the urban area,an electric shower head is fitted in the bathroom.

The showerheads tend to be preferred due to their affordability and how they instantly heat the shower.

Even though water heaters tend to be affordable,they consume nearly 20% of the electricity.

Electric Oven

Electric ovens normally account for nearly 3% of the total power bill in many households.

A majority of the time,Kenyans tend to use electric ovens and usually ignore other cheap alternatives that are available in the market.

by: MsLK

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