Stephen Kitheka and Rose Kitheka, residents of Machakos County, recently appeared on Kameme FM, sharing a deeply emotional plea to locate Stephen’s biological mother, Ruth Nyambura. Stephen, who was born in 2002, was separated from his mother at just three months old, and he has been searching for her ever since. During the interview, Stephen explained his longing to reunite with Ruth, who, at the time of his separation, was reportedly working on a farm in Ruiru.

The father of Stephen, Christopher Kitoe, was also mentioned in the conversation, he was reported to have been a good dad though a drunkard. Despite the many years that have passed, Stephen expressed a strong desire to reconnect with his mother, highlighting the emotional toll of growing up without her.

Both Stephen and Rose spoke with hope, asking the public for assistance in finding Ruth Nyambura. Their heartfelt appeal reflects a deep wish to rebuild family ties and heal old wounds. As they continue their search, they remain optimistic that their reunion is possible, and they are determined to make it a reality.

By Kenyans

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