Today,on her official Facebook page,Radio host Massawe japanni has shared a post to her fans which consist of her photo looking gorgeous in a nice outfit.At the caption,Massawe japanni shared an inspirational message to her fans and below is the screenshot of her post;

In her post above, Massawe told her fans that the more you give,the more you receive and their is no frequency quite like the frequency of a giver.What she said is true and even the bible tells us that give out and it shall be added to you.God will always bless a generous person and we should learn to give more that receiving and we will be blessed.

At the caption section,Massawe japanni asked her fans if she is lying in her sentiments and at the comment section, her fans confirmed her sentiments to be true as they told her that she is not lying and below are some of the comments that she got;


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