Harmonize’s reasons for breaking up with girlfriend Brianna
Brianna and Harmonize have each confirmed theyhave broken up.
Briana was the first o admit that they broke up on he rinstagram.
She wrote
“I’m at home in Australia, it’s true Harmonize and I broke up. I wish him all the best in his life.’
This follows many public cries from Harmonize over the pat few days begging his ex Fridah Kajala to take him back.
Harmonize has also revealed that him and Briann atre no more. He cited two reasons why they eneded things.
He disclosed that the split was due to the long distance, and Briana didn’t fancy relocating to Tanzania.
‘Nilimwa,bia nimtengana na mtu bila kugombana na nampenda sana. Sina uhakika kama nimemove on. Lolote linaweza kutokea maana itakuwa ni kitendo cha kizarendo mimi kurudi nyumbani
Secondly he added ‘Hayupo tayari kuishi katika nchi yangu pendwa Tanzania nami sipo tayari kuishi Australia kwasasa’


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