Owago’s January has been pretty interesting. The comedian has, just like most Kenyans, embraced the difficult times that come with the post Christmas period.
The comedian has an interesting fan base that easily relates to his antics. In a previous interview with The Star, Owago confessed to “having more fans from other tribes than from the Luo; even on my Facebook page. I was once in Thika and the response was good.”
At the height of his career three years ago, Owago went to the USA for a tour. He took so long that he was rumored to be neglecting his then girlfriend.
Photo: Check Out King Kaka’s Lavish Holiday In Kisumu
When interviewed by SDE, Sheila said that “the tour was extended. He was working under Breakpoint Entertainment and they could be the right people to answer your questions. Probably you should ask him why he has not returned. I cannot answer for him as he is the one in the limelight.”
For this January, the comedian showed his fans his other side. He posted a series of videos showing how to light a jiko.
The hilarious videos shows him seated on a doorstep doing his thing. Seems there was no money to pay for electricity or to dine at a 5 star hotel, LOL.


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