Guardian Angel Shows Off Multimillion Home Studio Built by His Wife

Guardian Angel Shows Off Multimillion Home Studio Built by His Wife

Kenyan gospel singer Guardian Angel is proudly showing off his new multimillion home studio in Karen, Nairobi. The impressive studio was built by his 53-year-old wife, Esther Musila, as a gift for the artist.

Guardian Angel, whose real name is Audiphaxad Peter, is one of Kenya’s most popular gospel musicians. He recently took to social media to share photos and videos of the state-of-the-art studio, expressing his gratitude to his wife for her support and love.

The studio, located in the upscale neighborhood of Karen, features top-notch recording equipment and modern design elements. Guardian Angel explained that having a home studio will allow him to create music more comfortably and efficiently.

“My wife has made one of my biggest dreams come true,” Guardian Angel said in a heartfelt post. “This studio is a blessing, and I am so thankful to Esther for her incredible support.”

Esther Musila, who is well-known for her own achievements, has been a strong pillar in Guardian Angel’s life and career. The couple, who often share their love story on social media, has inspired many with their deep bond and mutual respect.

Fans of Guardian Angel were quick to congratulate him on this milestone. “This is amazing! Congratulations to both of you. Esther is truly a wonderful wife,” one fan commented.

Here’s the source link:

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