It will be celebrated under the theme ‘Give Hope. Save Lives. ‘
Here’s what you can do to support the month – Stand in solidarity with survivors, their support teams, and families who’ve lost loved ones to the disease.
People who’ve battled the disease, loved ones, and supporters will be coming together to educate, amplify one another’s voices, and raise public consciousness about various aspects of breast cancer. So share these messages on your social media or on whatsapp.
According to studies, early detection of breast cancer can increase the survival rates of the patient. It is important to check for the signs and symptoms of breast cancer.
Symptoms may include- presence of lump in the breast, pain in the breast, swelling in areas near the breasts, discharge from nipple other than breast milk, change in the shape of the nipple and swelling under arm. In some cases, these may not be the sign of breast cancer but any of these signs should be reported to the doctor immediately.
Who is at a risk?
Women above the age of 55
Consume excessive alcohol
Early menstruation or late menopause
Giving birth at an older age
Women who choose hormone therapy
And genetics may also play a role