Over the years radio has evolved and it’s easy to see that with time it will only get more competitive. Below are radio hosts who captivate us daily.
Gidi na Ghost – Patanisho
They are the most followed swahili radio station in Kenya (radio jambo), thanks to their chemistry.
Gidi and Ghost are known for ‘Patanisho’ a segment that aims at bringing back couples who have broken up.
The show is humorous and a must listen to.
‘There has been sweat and tears’ Kate Actress on the fails and triumphs of acting
Gidi na Ghost
Massawe Japanni – Ilikuaje
‘Ilikuaje’ is a segment on Radio Jambo which gives people a chance to tell their extraordinary stories.
It mostly covers human interest stories hence loved by many.
Massawe Japanni in the studio
Maina Kageni and Mwalimu Kingangi
Millions tune in to listen to this duo everyday. They host the morning show on Classic 105. Their laughter and educative topics is what keeps fans glued.
Maina Kageni
Kamene Goro and Andrew Kibe
They host the morning show on Kiss100.
They are known for being candid and truthful, discussing issues as frankly as they can. Love or hate them they are a force to reckon with.
Catch them every morning on#TheMorningKiss.
Perfect Match: TV ‘wives and husbands’ we wish were married in real life
Kamene Goro and Andrew Kibe
Kamene Goro and Andrew Kibe
Mike Mondo and Terry Muikamba – Classic 105 Over drive
Mike and Terry keep us entertained on Classic 105 every afternoon. They make sure to play us great music and discuss topics that we all relate to.
Cess Mutungi and Patrick Mwangola – Smooth FM Over drive
Your favorite radio duo! @ChairladyNCTC and @PatrickMwangola are the absolute after-work home-drive vibe.
Mbusi na Lion – Teketeke
Their unique style presented in sheng on Radio Jambo captivates all.
They host toboa siri, and Mbusi na Lion Teketeke segments.
Mbusi and Lion
Ashley Muthui – Homeboyz Radio
You can catch @ashleymuthui every Saturday alongside @andy_young254 on #HiphopChart