Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua had to make an unexpected landing at a school after his helicopter was forced down due to bad weather. This incident has brought up concerns again about the availability and reliability of official transport for Kenya’s Deputy President. Recently, there have been controversies about whether the military helicopters that were once available to him have been withdrawn.

Gachagua was on his way to a memorial service in Njoro for the late David Chepkwony, who was the husband of Njoro MP Charity Kathambi. He was traveling with his wife, Pastor Dorcas Rigathi. Their helicopter had to land earlier than planned at Nduriri Primary School, interrupting their journey to the memorial service, which was supposed to be held at Kimugul Primary School Grounds in Mauche Ward.

Known for his straightforward and often humorous communication style, Gachagua addressed the unexpected landing with a light-hearted comment. Speaking in Kikuyu, he joked, “Since I was born, I have never set foot here.” He then explained in a serious tone, “I was coming from Eldoret, going to Nakuru for a function. The pilot told me that the plane cannot go any further.”

Despite the change in plans, Gachagua reassured those who had gathered, saying, “We were able to land, and I decided to come and see my people.” His calm and positive response to the situation was appreciated by those present.

This incident has sparked renewed discussions about the transportation arrangements for the Deputy President, especially after recent rumors that the military helicopters previously at his disposal may have been withdrawn. The early landing at the school highlights the challenges that can arise with air travel, especially when weather conditions are not favorable.

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