Meet Judith Akoth, a remarkable woman who defied the odds and is set to graduate at the age of 39. Her story is a shining example of perseverance and determination. The Kenya Medical Training College shared her story.

Born on October 26, 1984, Judith faced adversity from a young age. She lost her father at the tender age of seven and her mother at the age of 10, leaving her orphaned and in the care of her maternal grandparents.

Despite these challenges, Judith’s academic potential shone through, as she ranked as the 3rd best in her Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exam in 1998.

Financial constraints led Judith to attend multiple day schools, but her resilience saw her through. She completed her Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) in 2002 with a B- grade.

However, life took another challenging turn when her diabetic grandmother passed away, forcing her into an early marriage at the age of 18 due to a lack of accommodation.

In 2019, a glimmer of hope appeared in Judith’s life while she was nursing her sick aunt. She encountered a kind individual who recognized her potential despite being a peasant farmer. Encouraged by his belief in her, Judith took a leap of faith and joined KMTC Siaya Campus in March 2020.

Her journey was far from easy, with opposition from her family and a serious ankle injury in January of the graduation year. Just two months away from her Final Qualifying Exams, she received the devastating news of her husband’s passing while she was on rural placement. Despite the world seeming to crumble around her, Judith refused to be broken.

Today, Judith stands as a testament to the strength of a determined heart. At the age of 39, she has earned her diploma, but her journey doesn’t end here.

Her message to every woman is to hold onto their dreams, regardless of the obstacles. Judith encourages women to support one another, lifting each other up instead of being stumbling blocks.


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