A narcissist is often known as a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves. Could it be a mental disorder? Yes, it is a mental disorder where people have an inflated sense of their own importance, lacks empathy, acts entitled, and only prioritize themselves.
These signs could help you spot a narcissistic partner.
They lack empathy
They show no genuine affection or love, they could also fail to care about your feelings and want as their partner. Narcissist partners are unforgiving if you are only a few minutes late for a date they will yell at you as if you did a huge mistake, they expect you to be always perfect at all times and want you to do everything they ask.
I talk
If your partner is self-centered as a narcissist there is only one thing they ever want to talk about, themselves, they make themselves the subject of every conversation every story revolves around them, and they seem not to want to talk about anything else or anyone else. They are constantly the center of attention and they seem to like it just like that, they ramble about their own great personalities and they want to hear you talk about them too.
Exaggerated language
It isn’t just the subject of the conversation that comes as self-centered. You probably notice the same arrogance or self-importance in the way they talk about themselves, the words they use, and the kind of stories they tell. Narcissists have a particular way of characterizing themselves they always want to look like the here of any story. They want every story to give you a reason to admire them and feel attracted to them, they want to leave behind an image of achievement and confidence, so that means they will always exaggerate every detail.
Zero follow-through
They will always talk a big game but when it comes the time to back it up they fall short, this lack of follow-through is common among narcissists, whether it is something little or big a narcissist partner will always say they have everything under control but they rarely ever do, if this sounds like your partner ask yourself if your partner is really a dependable person this is because we always want our partners to be people we can always count on.