Jimmy Carter, the longest-lived U.S. president, has endured profound personal loss with the passing of his wife, Rosalynn Carter, in 2023. Their marriage, spanning over 77 years, was a cornerstone of his remarkable life. Rosalynn, a dedicated advocate for mental health and equal rights, was an unwavering partner in Jimmy’s political and humanitarian endeavors.

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In recent years, both faced health challenges, with Carter opting for hospice care at his Plains, Georgia, family home following multiple hospitalizations. Despite his declining health, the former president remained surrounded by his loved ones, embodying the resilience and humility that have long defined his legacy.

Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter’s partnership symbolized devotion and shared purpose, influencing their leadership and post-presidency work through the Carter Center. As the world reflects on their contributions, Jimmy Carter continues to inspire, exemplifying grace and dignity during life’s most challenging moments. Their love story remains an enduring testament to partnership and perseverance.

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