The former Independent electoral and boundary commission CEO Oswago and the former deputy director Shollei have failed to overturn the four years jail term ruling over illegal procurement in 2013.This comes after the Ethics and anti-corruption commission filed a case in court and won but the two lately appealed for new ruling.Many Kenyans have really reacted to the latest update with many seriously supporting while others are opposing.


It is true that the EACC have been in the fore front to positively fight corruption in the country for quite a long time.A country that is ruled by the rule of law, democracy and transparency is likely to have more developments and become prosperous in various sectors that benefits it’s citizens either directly or indirectly.

It is now high time the Kenyan people to ensure that they maintain peace and unity throughout the country so as to avoid the incidences of violences that may arise in the country.

By NewsMedia

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