On January 24, Barbara Koikai penned a heartfelt tribute to her late sister, Njambi Koikai, marking what would have been her 39th birthday. The media personality, known for her unwavering advocacy for women’s health, passed away in June 2024 after a lengthy battle with endometriosis, leaving a void in the hearts of her loved ones and fans.
Barbara took to social media to share treasured photos of Njambi one in a bold military style outfit and another showing her radiant smile while holding flowers. She accompanied the images with a moving message: “Happy heavenly birthday to our queen, @jahmbykoikai. We celebrate the incredible life you lived and the unforgettable mark you left on this world. You are truly one in a million and will forever live in my heart, we love you so much.”
Njambi’s life was a beacon of strength and inspiration. Her tireless efforts to raise awareness about endometriosis and her vibrant personality earned her admiration far and wide. Fans joined Barbara in honoring Njambi’s memory, flooding her post with messages of love and shared memories.
Though her time was cut short, Njambi Koikai’s legacy lives on in the hearts of those she inspired. Her life is a reminder of the power of resilience, love, and the impact one person can have on the world.
By Nairobi