In the gritty streets of the ghetto, a scene unfolded as Sanchez, tired of his work clothes, tossed them aside, leaving Lexy behind. Tito followed, questioning Sanchez about his abrupt departure. Sanchez, with a stern tone, told Tito to carry on with the woman, as he couldn’t be a part of it. Lexy intervened, instructing Sanchez to leave, refusing to stay with a snitch. Moh, confident in his alliance with Tito, believed they were enough for the situation.
Later, in Becky’s ghetto dwelling, an unexpected turn of events occurred. Imelia, the lone occupant, opened the door and was immediately accused of attempted murder. The arrest was swift, influenced by Lexy’s child.
Meanwhile, as Sanchez reached the neighborhood, he shared the news with Junior and Becky. Celebrating the end of their association with Sanchez, Becky expressed gratitude, emphasizing that someone like him shouldn’t work for Lexy. Little did they know, Imelia had been arrested, not by the police, but by individuals sent to eliminate her.
The unfolding drama in the ghetto serves as a stark reminder of betrayal’s repercussions, with consequences reaching beyond the immediate conflicts.