Honorable Raila Odinga, the leader of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party, recently announced that he will be resuming the weekly protests that he had previously suspended a month earlier. In a statement made after his flight from Dubai, Odinga declared that he will start organizing these demonstrations on Tuesday next week. He revealed this decision during a people’s baraza held in Kibra, a suburb in Nairobi.
The planned protests have sparked reactions from various quarters, with the President of Kenya, Dr. William Ruto, also weighing in on the matter. Ruto has now appeared in public to engage in dialogue with Raila Odinga about the upcoming protests in the country.
According to a report by Kenyans.co.ke, the head of state advised Odinga to wait until the next general election in 2027, should he have any grievances. This advice from the President came in the midst of the growing tension and uncertainty surrounding the planned protests.
Furthermore, Ruto clarified that he never staged any rallies against Raila Odinga and Uhuru Kenyatta when they were in a handshake government, and he advised Raila Odinga to follow suit. The handshake government was formed in 2018 as a way to bring an end to the political tension and violence that had characterized Kenya’s politics since the disputed 2017 presidential elections.
In addition, Ruto had previously argued that Raila Odinga’s protests had nothing to do with the cost of living. According to him, the opposition was seeking to destabilize the economy, rather than address the real issues facing Kenyans.
The resumption of protests by Raila Odinga, a veteran opposition leader, is expected to heighten political tensions in the country, which have been brewing for some time. The situation is compounded by the fact that the country is also grappling with other challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and a struggling economy. It remains to be seen how this situation will play out in the coming days and weeks, and how the government will respond to the planned protests.
by: Anny