Brown Mauzo on Wednesday, Sep 27 shared an image of a woman he claimed was his newest catch. He covered her face with a red heart emoji, as she sat at a dressing table looking into a mirror.

Netizens were not satisfied with it and went into detective mode to find out who she was. A claim is now being made that the woman is Mauzo’s baby mama, Fatima (fatmaidha).

She is the mother to his child named Lareesa Brown Mauzo. Brown Mauzo has five children. Lareesa also follows his other daughter, Zulfa Brown.

Their daughter Lareesa is described on her Instagram bio as a young model. In her latest video modeling a young Barbie, Brown calls her, “My Princess ❤️😘”

Back in 2021, Vera and Fatma got into a social media war over her claim that Mauzo was a deadbeat. She claimed she was still married to Mauzo, something that upset Vera.

Fatma blasted Brown for engaging Vera and marrying her yet he hadn’t terminated their marriage legally. She termed Vera’s union to Brown as “Nyumba ndogo,” meaning she is a second wife.

“For those asking yes he is that kind of a father one who pops up one day and he is gone for the rest of the year. I hope it answers your question.”

In the post, Fatma who was posting on behalf of her child added, “And yes he is still my mother’s husband (legally) so Vera is nyumba ndogo. But hio nyumba iko wapi?”

In an exclusive interview with Mpasho in 2021, Fatma added, “I don’t really want to go into further details with this story and I don’t want to sound rude, but I had to say what I only felt was important about him being an absent father.”

She added, “As a mother what you only hope is for your child to see a male figure around, but hey, God’s work, this [child with Vera] will be his fourth child and the man cannot change, I guess it’s his nature.”

Fatma concluded, “People have raised fatherless kids and are doing okay. I have no beef with Vera she seems to be a good person at heart and I am sure she will be a great mother. I just hope he mans up.”


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