Popular Kenyan actress Sandra Dacha, known for her vibrant personality, has set social media abuzz after revealing a surprising proposal from journalist Stephen Letoo. In a playful post, Dacha shared that Letoo had expressed his desire to make her his third and final wife, leaving fans debating whether she should accept the offer.
“Stephen Letoo ameniambia anataka kuniongeza kama wife wake wa tatu na wa mwisho. Mnaonaje? Do I enter the box or not?” Dacha wrote, inviting her followers to weigh in on the light-hearted yet intriguing revelation.
Accompanying her post was a heartwarming video of Dacha and Letoo enjoying a lively chat, exuding chemistry that captivated fans. Their banter sparked curiosity about whether the proposal was serious or simply part of their friendly dynamic.
Sandra Dacha, often celebrated for her unapologetic confidence and humor, has amassed a loyal fanbase that eagerly engages with her updates. Her latest revelation sparked a flurry of reactions, with some encouraging her to “enter the box” and others advising caution.
While the actress has yet to confirm if Letoo’s proposal is serious, the buzz around the post highlights her ability to keep her audience entertained and invested in her life.
This light-hearted interaction reflects the growing trend of Kenyan celebrities sharing personal moments to connect with their fans. Whether or not Sandra Dacha accepts Stephen Letoo’s offer, one thing is certain—her bold and playful approach to life continues to win hearts across the coutry.
By Newshub