Famous Kikuyu Gospel artist Explained How His Friends ‘faked His death’ and fundraised for burial.

A famous Kikuyu Gospel artist is famously known as Kamurigo but his real name is Stanley Njoroge. Stanley is one of the famous Kikuyu gospel artists whose songs have a deeper meaning that draws people closer to God.

Stanley has narrated how his close friends and fellow artists made money by fundraising by faking his death. They lied to people that he was dead and his burial process needs money which his family don’t have.

At that time Stanley was being admitted to the hospital but his friends spread the rumors that Stanley has been admitted to the hospital due to stress and drug abuse which was caused by his wife who left him for a Mzungu husband, but this was not the case.

While his friends and fellow artists were doing all this, his family was unaware of it, but he said that his family and a few genuine friends played a vital role in his life.

Even after the fake death fundraising, Stanley did not even get any penny from them either to support his music which was dying or to settle his hospital bills.


by: @kenyanews-media


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