Famous Kikuyu Artist Appeals For Financial Help Via Karangu To Clear His Hospital Bill After 4th Surgery
Karangu Wa Muraya is a staunch follower of the Akurinu Church. He is also a philanthropist who helps people by posting their numbers in his platforms and their needs or bills are settled.
Some hours ago, Miracle Baby asked for financial aid via Karangu Wa Muraya platforms. Peter Miracle Baby has been sick since the beginning of the years and lately he had undergone a 4th successful surgery.
After the 4th surgery he was discharged from the hospital but has a huge hospital bill of 500K. Karangu asked people to come through and help Miracle Baby since they have helped him once, they can help him this last time. Some days ago Carol Katrue spoke ill about people and some people are resistance to help due to what Carol said few days ago.