Famous actress Maria has flaunted her baby bump on social media pages. The actress shared some photos on social media pages revealing that she is expecting a child soon.She received applauds from her social media followers. It is always good to be blessed with a child.
Trisha Khalid is one of the most beautiful actresses in the country at the moment. She has done well on TV screens in recent timesKenyan actress Trisha Khalid has taken to her social media pages to share photos of herself. Trisha has been active on social media pages in recent times as she continues to gain more followers in recent times. Trisha is one of the most beautiful actresses in the country at the moment. She came into limelight during Becky TV series. She did well and gained more popularity.
A look at some of her photos shared on her Facebook pages will amuse you.What is your take on Trisha Khalid?Share your thoughts on the comments section below. Do not forget to share my news updates to reach many people abroad and within the country.
By Kenyans