The Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission has exposed a man who they claimed has been using a fake ID to extort money from Kenyans.

In a report that has been shared by a reliable source of information, it has been reported that the suspect who has been identified as Otieno Ogutu has been claiming that he is a Snr EACC officers.

Taking to their different social media accounts to express their opinion on this topic, the Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission has confirmed that the ID above is fake

According to the reports given by the Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission, several Kenyans are being conned using these IDs and for this reason, Kenyans have been urged to make sure they stay vigilant.

While reacting to this incident, Kenyans who took to their different social media accounts to express their opinion on this topic have urged the Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission to reveal their official IDs.

This according to the reports given by most Kenyans is the only way in which Kenyans are going to identify Real, fake EACC officers.

by: Theprofessor

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