Comedy couple Eddie Butita and Mammito have netizens questioning their relationship recently; after Eddie Butita’s 29th birthday held a day ago. Trouble in paradise might be kicking in for the duo; who have been dating for years now but were keeping their relationship low-key until last year.
Their numerous PDA’s all over sudden stopped, and so did their lovely gushes. It’s conspicuous and evident that they’re definitely not in good terms as of now. But hey, no one said relationships are perfect! But the big question remains, why did Mammito decide to go MIA on her bae’s birthday?
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Adding salt to the i**y, why did she unfollow him? Well, from Butita’s side, he doesn’t seem to flinch an inch over not being posted on his birthday. In an interview, he disclosed that Mammito probably forgot to do it since she’s ‘busy’. ”The last timeI checked, niko na password yangu pekee. Kitu inafanyika kwa page zingine, sina control of it. I think unaeza mcontact akuambie kwa nini hajapost ama anapanga kupost. Sijui vile ana handle social media yake. Ako na team. Unajua Mammito ni msanii mkubwa. Ako na watu wa Instagram kama 40. So pengine amesahau.” For those who have been in love before, it’s easy to fathom that it’s peculiar to forget about your lover’s birthday. Someone should red pl us on what’s going on between the two jesters.